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Articolele de la 31 până la 40 din 205 în total

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  1. Updates in Medical English (ME)

    Studies in applied linguistics and ME methodology (Studii de lingvistică aplicată și predarea limbajelor medicale) Editori: POP ANIȘOARA, NĂZNEAN ADRIAN Editura University Press, 2017 ISBN: 978-973-169-494-8 Volumul reprezintă o culegere de studii de lingvistică aplicată și metdologia predării limbajelor medicale. Scopul lucrării este de a oferi celor interesați, cadrelor didactice universitare în mod special, repere privind cele mai recente direcții și metode de abordare din domeniul lingvisticii. Lucrarea este structurată în două părți, prima abordând aspect conexe metodologiei predării limbajelor medicale iar cea de a doua cuprinzând studii de lingivistică aplicată. UPDATES IN MEDICAL ENGLISH is a volume of studies in applied linguistics and Medical language methodology, coordinated by the Foreign Language Department of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tîrgu Mureș. Its major purpose is to fulfil the need for continuous professional development of foreign language professionals and researchers in medical higher education institutions and connected fields, in order to help them keep abreast developments and learn about latest trends, adapt and adopt the best practices and gold standard approaches in applied linguistics and language teaching. Chapters, focusing on a wide range of topical ME subjects, were assigned to the two main volume parts: Part 1 – Approaches and methods in Medical language learning/teaching and PART 2 – Applied linguistics.
  2. English for Nutrition and Dietetics English for Nutrition and Dietetics

    English for Nutrition and Dietetics

    Autor: Anișoara Pop Editura University Press, 2020 ISBN: 978-973-169-649-2 Lucrarea prezintă principiile cuprinzătoare ale alimentației, nutriției, dietei și tehnologiei într-o limbă engleză clară și științifică adresându-se celor interesați să studieze mai multe despre aspectele fundamentale ale nutriției în limba engleză. Autoarea a realizat o serie de activități de învățare eficiente cu scopul de a satisface o gamă largă de nevoi și interese ale cursanțior doritori să aprofundeze cunoașterea limbii engleze. The aim of English for Nutrition and Dietetics is to present comprehensive principles of food, nutrition, diet and technology in a clear and scientific English language that points out how this knowledge can be utilized to preserve normal, vigorous and healthy bodies by learners who are not only majoring in nutrition, but may also want to study more about the fundamental aspects of nutrition in English and how it applies to their own lives. The author created a series of most effective learning activities that are designed to meet a wide array of English learners’ needs and interests.

  4. Interacţiune şi comunicare în mediul medical. Elemente de sociologie, psihosociologie şi comunicare

    Autor: Ioan JUDE ISBN 978-973-169-636-2, University Press, 2020 (370 pagini) Cartea este dedicată „Eroilor în Alb”, în semn de respect și prețuire.
  5. Trends in Medical Language Teaching and Learning

    Tendinţe în predarea şi învăţarea limbajelor medicale Autori: POP ANIȘOARA, NĂZNEAN ADRIAN Editura University Press, 2016 ISBN: 978-973-169-464-1 Lucrarea expune, în manieră științifică, cele mai recente tendințe în predarea și învățarea limbii engleze. Volumul are la bază experiența didactică a autorilor în predarea limbii engleze pentru studenții de la Universitățile de Medicină. Cu toate acestea, prin tematica abordată, lucrarea se adresează tuturor celor interesați să aprofundeze cele mai noi metode de predare în domeniul limbilor străine. The work presents, in a scientific way, the latest trends in teaching and learning English. The volume is based on the authors' teaching experience in teaching English to students at Medical Universities. However, through the approached topic, the work is addressed to all those interested in mastering the latest teaching methods in the field of foreign languages.
  6. Histology of the tissues

    Edited by: Angela Borda University Press, 2017 ISBN: 978-973-169-505-1

    Autor: Augustin Curticăpean

    • Editura University Press, 2006


  8. New approaches in behavioral sciences

    Cosmin Popa, Wesley C. Lee, Adrian V. Rus. Târgu Mureş, University Press, 2020 ISBN 978-973-169-651-5 ”Foreword Simply said, clinical psychology (i.e.., medical psychology) is the most representative branch of psychology, in terms of interesting/ students/professionals/ funds, dealing with the psychological factors involved in health and illness/disorder. The current clinical psychology science is strongly framed in the evidence-based model and in a multilevel paradigm (e.g., from genetic to biology to psychology and psycho-cultural aspects). The current book is rigorous in reflecting the current state of the clinical psychology field and also new trends in the field. Indeed, the chapters are generally based adequately on data/rigorous evidence, thus preserving the evidence-based model. Moreover, the whole book reflects the multilevel paradigm. And this is not easy, as in such a paradigm one must rigorously reflect each level, but also present complex interrelations among different levels. While Section 1 of the book interestingly presents interrelations among various levels of analysis (e.g.,genetic/biological/psychological), Section 2 is more focused on the core psychological factors, while Sections 3 and 4 move the analyses to social-cultural components of various psychological phenomena. Overall, this is an interesting book, I strongly recommend it for students/professionals in allied fields (e.g., medicine), alongside with professionals in clinical/health psychology and counseling/psychotherapy. Professor, Ph.D., Daniel David, Babes-Bolyay University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , New York, USA Director of Research at Albert Ellis Institute, New York, USA”
  9. Noţiuni de anatomie generală

    Ioana Hălmaciu, Klara Brînzaniuc, Bogdan Andrei Suciu, Târgu Mureş, University Press, 2018 ISBN 978-973-169-554-9
  10. Belgyógyászati szakápolás (îngrijire medicală)

    Szerzők/ Autori: Magdás Annamária, Benedek István Jr., Sándor-Kéri Johanna, Szász Zsuzsanna Ágnes Editura University Press, 2019, ISBN 978-973-169-583-9 188 pagini
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