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Articolele de la 41 până la 50 din 378 în total

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  1. Angina pectorală recurentă post-stentare coronariană

    Seria editorială Teze de Doctorat

    Autor: Violeta Dinesch
    • ISBN 978-973-169-712-3, Editura University Press, Târgu Mureș, 2021

  2. AZ EGYSZERŰ CARIES (Caria simplă)

    K.- Ivácson Andrea - Csinszka University Press, 2018, ISBN 978-973-169-518-1
  3. Abordarea diagnostică şi terapeutică a afecţiunilor cardiace congenitale la copil (ediția a II-a)

    Coordonator: prof. univ. dr. Rodica Togănel Autori: Rodica Togănel Amalia Făgărășan Iolanda Muntean Liliana Gozar Carmen Șuteu Cristina Blesneac Laura Beligan Daniela Toma Simina Ghiragosian-Rusu University Press, 2021, ISBN 978-973-169-713-0
  4. Abordarea diagnostică şi terapeutică a afecţiunilor cardiace congenitale la copil (ediția a II-a), COLOR

    Coordonator: prof. univ. dr. Rodica Togănel Autori: Rodica Togănel Amalia Făgărășan Iolanda Muntean Liliana Gozar Carmen Șuteu Cristina Blesneac Laura Beligan Daniela Toma Simina Ghiragosian-Rusu University Press, 2021, ISBN 978-973-169-713-0
  5. Măsuri de prim ajutor bazal - Medicină generală (Volumul II)

    Stoian Mircea, Moldovan Septimiu, Kovács Judit University Press, 2021 ISBN general: 978-973-169-663-8 ISBN vol.2: 978-973-169-685-0
  6. Sănătate publică (noțiuni generale)

    Autori: Lavinia Berța, Kelemen Hajnal, Alina Grama University Press, 2021 ISBN: 978-973-169-705-5
  7. Detailed solutions to physics problems

    Adrian Sorin Mureșan University Press, 2019 ISBN 978-973-169-627-0
  8. Recomandări actuale în diagnosticul obezităţii la copil

    Autori: prof. univ. dr. Mărginean Cristina Oana, asist. univ. dr. Meliţ Lorena Elena ISBN 978-973-169-631-7, University Press, 2020
  9. New approaches in behavioral sciences

    Cosmin Popa, Wesley C. Lee, Adrian V. Rus. Târgu Mureş, University Press, 2020 ISBN 978-973-169-651-5 ”Foreword Simply said, clinical psychology (i.e.., medical psychology) is the most representative branch of psychology, in terms of interesting/ students/professionals/ funds, dealing with the psychological factors involved in health and illness/disorder. The current clinical psychology science is strongly framed in the evidence-based model and in a multilevel paradigm (e.g., from genetic to biology to psychology and psycho-cultural aspects). The current book is rigorous in reflecting the current state of the clinical psychology field and also new trends in the field. Indeed, the chapters are generally based adequately on data/rigorous evidence, thus preserving the evidence-based model. Moreover, the whole book reflects the multilevel paradigm. And this is not easy, as in such a paradigm one must rigorously reflect each level, but also present complex interrelations among different levels. While Section 1 of the book interestingly presents interrelations among various levels of analysis (e.g.,genetic/biological/psychological), Section 2 is more focused on the core psychological factors, while Sections 3 and 4 move the analyses to social-cultural components of various psychological phenomena. Overall, this is an interesting book, I strongly recommend it for students/professionals in allied fields (e.g., medicine), alongside with professionals in clinical/health psychology and counseling/psychotherapy. Professor, Ph.D., Daniel David, Babes-Bolyay University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , New York, USA Director of Research at Albert Ellis Institute, New York, USA”
  10. Aplicații practice de laborator. Chimie bioanorganică.

    Augustin Curticăpean, Lavinia Grama, Boda Francisc 2015, University Press, ISBN 978-973-169-345-3
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