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Articolele de la 1 până la 10 din 31 în total

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  1. Scientific programme & Book of Abstracts-Neurocard 2013

    Editors: Professor dr Branislav Milanovic, Associate Professor dr Cristian Podoleanu
    Editura University Press, 2013

    • 174  pagini

    • ISSN: 2069-0169

  2. Acta Biologica Marisiensis - ABONAMENT PERSOANE JURIDICE

    Editor-in-chief: Corneliu TANASE ISSN: 2601 – 6141 (Print) ISSN-L: 2601 – 6141 ISSN: 2668 – 5124 (Online) Frequency: 2 issues / year Why subscribe and read? It is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal published two times per year, only in English language. The Journal is designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas between researchers from different countries all around the world. The Journal has high standards for its contents. It has good publishing quality in electronic and printed form.
    200,00 RON
  3. Acta Biologica Marisiensis - NUMĂRUL CURENT*

    Editor-in-chief: Corneliu TANASE ISSN: 2601 – 6141 (Print) ISSN-L: 2601 – 6141 ISSN: 2668 – 5124 (Online) Frequency: 2 issues / year Why subscribe and read? It is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal published two times per year, only in English language. The Journal is designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas between researchers from different countries all around the world. The Journal has high standards for its contents. It has good publishing quality in electronic and printed form. * Vă rugăm să specificați în comandă, la rubrica observații, numărul revistei pe care doriți să o procurați. Se pot achiziționa inclusiv edițiile anterioare. Pentru arhivă, vă recomandăm să consultați site-ul oficial al publicației: https://abmj.ro/.
  4. Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis - ABONAMENT PERSOANE FIZICE

    Editor-in-chief: Edwin Sever BECHIR ISSN: 2601 – 6877 (Print) ISSN-L: 2601 – 6877 ISSN: 2668-6813 (ONLINE) Frequency: 2 issues / year Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis is an official Journal of George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania, and is published twice a year. Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis is an international journal dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed articles about all fields of dental medicine. The important topics covered by the journal refer to the complete, complex and interdisciplinary treatment of the patient with dental problems. This involves addressing all branches of dental medicine and does not exclude research in the field of nanomaterials, biotechnology or medical engineering.
  5. Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis - ABONAMENT PERSOANE JURIDICE

    Editor-in-chief: Edwin Sever BECHIR ISSN: 2601 – 6877 (Print) ISSN-L: 2601 – 6877 ISSN: 2668-6813 (ONLINE) Frequency: 2 issues / year Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis is an official Journal of George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania, and is published twice a year. Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis is an international journal dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed articles about all fields of dental medicine. The important topics covered by the journal refer to the complete, complex and interdisciplinary treatment of the patient with dental problems. This involves addressing all branches of dental medicine and does not exclude research in the field of nanomaterials, biotechnology or medical engineering.
    200,00 RON
  6. Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis - NUMĂRUL CURENT*

    Editor-in-chief: Edwin Sever BECHIR ISSN: 2601 – 6877 (Print) ISSN-L: 2601 – 6877 ISSN: 2668-6813 (ONLINE) Frequency: 2 issues / year Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis is an official Journal of George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania, and is published twice a year. Acta Stomatologica Marisiensis is an international journal dedicated to publishing high-quality peer-reviewed articles about all fields of dental medicine. The important topics covered by the journal refer to the complete, complex and interdisciplinary treatment of the patient with dental problems. This involves addressing all branches of dental medicine and does not exclude research in the field of nanomaterials, biotechnology or medical engineering. * Vă rugăm să specificați în comandă, la rubrica observații, numărul revistei pe care doriți să o procurați. Se pot achiziționa inclusiv edițiile anterioare. Pentru arhivă, vă recomandăm să consultați site-ul oficial al publicației: https://asmj.ro/.
  7. Acta Marisiensis. Seria Historia - ABONAMENT PERSOANE FIZICE

    Editors: Corina Teodor (Editor-in-Chief) Giordano Altarozzi (Deputy Editor) Managing Editors: Georgeta Fodor Maria Tătar-Dan ISSN (print) 2668-9545, ISSN-L 2668-9545, ISSN (online) 2668-9715 The Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia is an open access international scientific journal of the “Petru Maior” Faculty of Sciences and Letters of "George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș which is published by the University Press. Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia represents, in a new form, the journal Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia. The change, in tittle, was determined by the merge of two of the most prestigious Romanian universities: “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureș and University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș. Thus, the editorial board of Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia will preserve the tradition of Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia which was published regularly since 2001. Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia publishes high-quality articles on various subjects related to historical research on Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary periods. Each issue includes articles based on original research ordered according to chronological and thematic criteria. They also include scientific reviews to the most recent editorial projects published by national and foreign historians. The journal publishes articles in English aiming to enlarge the access of the international academic community to the scientific research conducted by the Romanian historians. The journal also welcomes foreign historians to share their latest research with the Romanian academic community. This perspective motivates the editorial staff to permanently improve the quality of the journal. Frequency: 1 issue / year
  8. Acta Marisiensis. Seria Historia - ABONAMENT PERSOANE JURIDICE

    Editors: Corina Teodor (Editor-in-Chief) Giordano Altarozzi (Deputy Editor) Managing Editors: Georgeta Fodor Maria Tătar-Dan ISSN (print) 2668-9545, ISSN-L 2668-9545, ISSN (online) 2668-9715 The Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia is an open access international scientific journal of the “Petru Maior” Faculty of Sciences and Letters of "George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș which is published by the University Press. Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia represents, in a new form, the journal Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia. The change, in tittle, was determined by the merge of two of the most prestigious Romanian universities: “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureș and University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș. Thus, the editorial board of Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia will preserve the tradition of Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia which was published regularly since 2001. Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia publishes high-quality articles on various subjects related to historical research on Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary periods. Each issue includes articles based on original research ordered according to chronological and thematic criteria. They also include scientific reviews to the most recent editorial projects published by national and foreign historians. The journal publishes articles in English aiming to enlarge the access of the international academic community to the scientific research conducted by the Romanian historians. The journal also welcomes foreign historians to share their latest research with the Romanian academic community. This perspective motivates the editorial staff to permanently improve the quality of the journal. Frequency: 1 issue / year
    100,00 RON
  9. Acta Marisiensis. Seria Historia - NUMĂRUL CURENT*

    Editors: Corina Teodor (Editor-in-Chief) Giordano Altarozzi (Deputy Editor) Managing Editors: Georgeta Fodor Maria Tătar-Dan ISSN (print) 2668-9545, ISSN-L 2668-9545, ISSN (online) 2668-9715 The Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia is an open access international scientific journal of the “Petru Maior” Faculty of Sciences and Letters of "George Emil Palade" University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș which is published by the University Press. Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia represents, in a new form, the journal Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia. The change, in tittle, was determined by the merge of two of the most prestigious Romanian universities: “Petru Maior” University of Târgu Mureș and University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș. Thus, the editorial board of Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia will preserve the tradition of Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Series Historia which was published regularly since 2001. Acta Marisiensis Seria Historia publishes high-quality articles on various subjects related to historical research on Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary periods. Each issue includes articles based on original research ordered according to chronological and thematic criteria. They also include scientific reviews to the most recent editorial projects published by national and foreign historians. The journal publishes articles in English aiming to enlarge the access of the international academic community to the scientific research conducted by the Romanian historians. The journal also welcomes foreign historians to share their latest research with the Romanian academic community. This perspective motivates the editorial staff to permanently improve the quality of the journal. Frequency: 1 issue / year * Vă rugăm să specificați în comandă, la rubrica observații, numărul revistei pe care doriți să o procurați. Se pot achiziționa inclusiv edițiile anterioare. Pentru arhivă, vă recomandăm să consultați site-ul oficial al publicației: https://actahistoria.umfst.ro/.
  10. Acta Marisiensis. Seria Oeconomica - ABONAMENT PERSOANE FIZICE

    Editor-in-Chief: Danescu Tatiana Managing Editor: Spatacean Ovidiu ISSN (print) 2668-3148, ISSN-L 2668-3148, ISSN (online) 2668-3989 Acta Marisiensis - Seria Oeconomica prezintă aspectele legate de relaţia dintre contabilitate şi comportamentul uman, structurile organizatorice şi procese, precum şi mediul în schimbare socială şi politică a întreprinderii. Obiectivul său unic acoperă subiecte cum ar fi: rolul social de contabilitate, contabilitate social, auditul social şi de contabilitate pentru resurse limitate; furnizarea de informaţii contabile pentru angajaţi şi sindicate, şi dezvoltarea sistemelor de informare participative; inovaţiile care influenţează procesele de contabilitate şi sociale şi aspectele politice de stabilire a standardelor de contabilitate; studii comportamentale ale utilizatorilor de informaţii contabile; vederi de prelucrare a informaţiilor de organizaţii, şi relaţia dintre sistemele de informaţii contabile şi a altor structuri organizaţionale şi procese, strategii de organizare pentru proiectarea sistemelor contabile şi de informare; contabile resurselor umane , aspecte cognitive de contabilitate şi de procesul decizional, precum şi aspectele comportamentale ale bugetului, planificarea şi evaluarea investiţiilor. Frequency: 1 issue / year
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