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Updates in Medical English (ME)

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Studies in applied linguistics and ME methodology
(Studii de lingvistică aplicată și predarea limbajelor medicale)


Editura University Press, 2017
ISBN: 978-973-169-494-8

Volumul reprezintă o culegere de studii de lingvistică aplicată și metdologia predării limbajelor medicale. Scopul lucrării este de a oferi celor interesați, cadrelor didactice universitare în mod special, repere privind cele mai recente direcții și metode de abordare din domeniul lingvisticii. Lucrarea este structurată în două părți, prima abordând aspect conexe metodologiei predării limbajelor medicale iar cea de a doua cuprinzând studii de lingivistică aplicată.

UPDATES IN MEDICAL ENGLISH is a volume of studies in applied linguistics and Medical language methodology, coordinated by the Foreign Language Department of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tîrgu Mureș. Its major purpose is to fulfil the need for continuous professional development of foreign language professionals and researchers in medical higher education institutions and connected fields, in order to help them keep abreast developments and learn about latest trends, adapt and adopt the best practices and gold standard approaches in applied linguistics and language teaching. Chapters, focusing on a wide range of topical ME subjects, were assigned to the two main volume parts: Part 1 – Approaches and methods in Medical language learning/teaching and PART 2 – Applied linguistics.

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